This Magic Dry Oil

1:00 AM

Couple days ago I was asked by Beautynesia team to come to Bio-Oil event. Dari sini aku mengenal produk ajaib satu ini. Para narasumber yang turut hadir yaitu Ayu Hastari (influencer), Dr. Heru Nugroho, Sp.KK (Dermatologist), Ibu Nurhayatini (Product Manager, PT Radiant Sentral Nutrindo).

Para pakar yang hadir ngga hanya memaparkan keunggulan produk ini tapi juga mengajarkan kita untuk mengenali bagaimana membedakan skin type dan skin condition supaya perawatan untuk kulit bisa maksimal. Karna investasi kulit sejak dini itu penting gengs.

Kay without further do, mari kujelaskan kenapa aku mention Bio-Oil as a magic dry oil. Bio-Oil berasal dari Afrika Selatan dan dikenal dengan khasiatnya mengatasi stretchmark, kulit kering, warna kulit tidak merata serta beragam permasalahan kulit lainnya. Memiliki kandungan ekstrak minyak lavender, rosemary, kamomil, vitamin A, vitamin E dan juga minyak kalendula. Kerennya formulasi dari ekstrak bahan-bahan tersebut dicampur dengan PurCellin Oil TM yang menjadikan Bio-Oil sama sekali ngga lengket dan cepat menyerap di kulit. Gunakan minimal 3 bulan pemakaian secara teratur buat ngedapetin hasil yang maksimal.

Bio-Oil sudah ngedapetin 242 penghargaan untuk kategori skincare dan katanya udah jadi produk dengan penjualan no. 1 untuk perawatan bekas luka di 24 negara sejak peluncuran globalnya di tahun 2002. Beberapa testimonial juga menyebutkan, bahkan aku denger langsung dari beberapa temen influencer, Bio-Oil ampuh dan aman buat ibu hamil. Mereka pake Bio-Oil saat kehamilan muda supaya abis melahirkan ngga ada stretch mark di area perut. A super wow rite?

And fyi, aku udah nyetok beberapa buat di rumah and recommend my siblings to use it as well. Begin my healthy skin habit with Bio-Oil :p

In English :
Couple days ago I was asked by Beautynesia team to come to Bio Oil event. From that event, I found this magic dry oil. The speakers who come are Ayu Hastari ( influencer), Dr. Heru Nugroho, Sp. KK ( Dermatologist), Mrs. Nurhayatini ( Product Manager of PT Radiant Sentral Nutrindo ). 

They did not only explain how this product works but they also teach us to recognize the difference of your skin type and skin condition so you're able to maximize your treatment. Because early investment in your skin is a great idea guys.

Kay without further do, let me tell you why do I mention Bio-Oil as a magic dry oil. It's originated from South Africa and was known for its efficacy to heal stretchmarks, dehydrated skin, uneven skin tone and so on. It has extract of lavender oil, rosemary, chamomile, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and also Calendula Oil inside. All the extracts were formulated with PurCellin Oil TM that makes Bio-Oil a drying oil and quickly absorbed. Use it minimum for 3 months for maximum impact.

Bio Oil has 242 awards for skincare category and has become no.1 best selling product for treating scar and stretchmarks in 24 countries since its global launch in 2002. Some testimonials, and also some of my influencer friends said, Bio Oil is safe for pregnant women. They used it in the middle of first semester pregnancy so after giving birth, there aren't any stretchmarks. A super wow rite?

And fyi, I've bought some as stocks and recommend my siblings to use it as well. Begin my healthy skin habit with Bio Oil  :p


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