Perfect Red for All Skin Color

2:56 PM

Red is passion.

I present to you ladies..
Shu Uemura RD 163 Lipstick. 

One word. Incredible!! 
Kenapa? Sebenernya lipstick merah bukan hal baru. Banyak brand yang sudah mengeluarkan warna ini. Tapi coba deh perhatiin. Biasanya ada campuran yellow atau blue-ish tone dalam warna merahnya. RD 163 ini punya pigmentasinya seimbang dan menghasailkan perfect red yang sudah diuji coba ke 3000 wanita dengan warna kulit yang berbeda-beda. Result? Nggak perlu ditanya lagi, jelas cocok utk kesemuanya. That's why they confident enough to launch RD 163.

Thanks to Shu Uemura dan Beauty Journal yang sudah mengenalkan aku sama RD 163. Lewat event launch mereka kemarin ada games, photo booth, pouch drawing dan testing out RD 163 of course. Aku kadang masi suka ragu untuk pakai lipstick merah karena takut suka keliatan galak. Nah RD 163 hadir dengan 3 tekstur : Satin, Lacquer Shine dan Matte. And when I tried matte one on my lips, somehow it looks amazinggggggg... Me likey. Seriously.

Buat kalian beauty lovers di Indonesia yang males jalan ke mal atau store, produk ini sudah ada di Sociolla. Click here. 10% OFF by enter code SHU10OFF

In English :

Red is passion.

I present to you ladies..
Shu Uemura RD 163 Lipstick

One word. Incredible!! 
Why? Red isn't a new thing. Many brands have produced this color. Yet try to take a look closer. They usually add yellow or blue-ish tone. RD 163 has balance pigmentation and form in perfect red, plus they have tested it to 3000 women with different skin color. Result? You don't need to ask. It's suitable for them, ALL. That's why they confident enough to launch RD 163.

Thanks to Shu Uemura dan Beauty Journal who introduce me to RD 163. At their event launch there's games, photo booth, pouch drawing and testing out RD 163 of course. Sometimes I'm a bit hesitate to put red lipstick, afraid I will be looked devilish. Well, RD 163 come with three textures : Satin, Lacquer dan Matte. And when I tried matte one on my lips, somehow it looks amazinggggggg... Me likey. Seriously.

For all Indonesian beauty lovers, if you're too lazy to go to the mall and visit Shu Uemura stores, they're available at Sociolla. Click here10% OFF by enter code SHU10OFF

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